As for myself, I love writing heart-racing stories and hope you enjoy this excerpt of criminal defense attorney Nicole Sterling’s story in COURTING DEATH, the third book in the Legal Weapons series. Carol Stephenson
~Stirring up trouble can be the best defense~
Website: http://www.carolstephenson.com/
Twitter: @CStephensonFL
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Carol-Stephenson/213023628712811
Oh God. I could see traffic on the road ahead of me and nothing but the truck’s grill and headlights in the rearview mirror. I couldn’t stop.
Praying, I gunned the gas and spun the steering wheel. Horns clamored, metal screamed. The rear of the Beemer fishtailed as I fought to control the turn. My heart stopped as for a moment when one side of the car lifted due to the over-correction, then righted and shot down Gun Club Road.
Sweat plastered my blouse to my back and rolled down my face. My eyes burned from the salty drips. I hunched my shoulder and swiped my forehead, checking the mirror. Although the last turn had gained me some distance, the truck was still behind me.
There. The large complex loomed ahead on the right. I waited until the last minute and yanked on the wheel. The Beemer shuddered but I sped along the drive to the back of the building. Spotting a ramp by a bank of doors, I pulled up, slammed the car into park, opened the door and bailed out.
I stumbled but a strong hand grabbed my elbow and steadied me. I barely had time to register that my savior was Sam before he propelled me to the side of the ramp. I looked over my shoulder just in time to watch the truck plow into the side of the BMW. Metal collapsed with a sickening sound. Glass crackled, exploded. Rubber burned as my car flipped.
Courting Disaster and Courting Death are available at http://www.carinapress.com/ and also in audio at http://www.audible.com/. The entire series is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine online bookstores.

I love romantic suspense novels and this sounds like a great read!
books4me67 at ymail.com
OMG! Tell us what happend next!!!
Keep going!!!
Oh, great excerpt, Carol! Definitely need to find out who was after her and why.
Holy cow Carol,
I was sitting on the edge of my seat reading this excerpt. I have to find out what happen and read this book. You have me hook line and sinker.
Teresa K.
Very intense. Definitely leaves me wanting to know more.
I'll be sure to check out the Legal Weapons series.
Your knowledge comes through in your books, and after that it's just pure talent taking over! Bravo, Carol. :)
A thrilling excerpt there.
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