Humor me for a moment as I talk about Sharknado. (Yes, I hear you all groaning!) I might be divulging spoilers if you haven't seen the movie...but somehow I don't think that is going to disappoint you... :)

Another plot phenom was to have Daymond John from Shark Tank (LOL -- Shark Tank) get run over by the Statue of Liberty's head as it tumbled down a New York Street.
In all this brain cell-killing madness I found a certain beauty. This is why I never believe in 1-star reviews on books. No matter how bad you think a book or movie is, someone, somewhere exhausted a lot of thought to craft these absurd scenes. Is there not a perverted sense of brilliance in having a woman's hand bit off in mid-air by a tornado-flying shark...only to later have that very same shark land on top of the Empire State building next to the hero and this very same woman, so that he can pull her severed hand out of its mouth and extract the engagement ring to propose to her again? I'm going to just go ahead and confess that I could never come up with that plot twist!
Okay, back to sharks and romantic suspense. How many shark-themed romantic suspense novels are you aware of? I read STRANDED WITH HER EX by Jill Sorrenson. It was very good. I'm sure there are many others that I'm missing. I know our very own Toni Anderson finds an eloquent way to weave marine life into romantic suspense in SEA OF SUSPICION.
What is it about sharks that fascinates us? Do you think they can live in harmony with romantic suspense?
Brought to you from the very eccentric, Maureen A. Miller.
Shark Week. It's taken me a few years but now when I start to see the commercials, a little bit of hysterical laughter starts bubbling up in me. It's all so deliciously B-movie. However, Maureen, I can't come up with a single shark-themed romantic suspense novel. No matter how hard I try. :-)
LOL, Marcelle. I can't imagine that there aren't thousands of them out there! Shark-themed romantic suspense ranks right up there with volcano-themed romantic suspense. Dante's Peak...but that was a movie.
Nope. Can't think of a single shark related R/S. Okay y'all, brainstorming opportunity!
Oh, Oh! Just saw Maureen's response. Volcano-themed?
Another B movie - Joe and the Volcano.
What was Tom Hanks thinking???
But at least we can remember Joe and the Volcano, Cathy. I think there were other volcano movies (albeit, not romantic suspenses) that I can't even remember because they were so bad.
One of the good 'shark' movies was Deep Blue Sea. It wasn't a romantic suspense...but it should have been. Starring ME as the love interest for Thomas Jane. Oh yeah! :)
Felt the same way about Sharknado 2. It was fun to see how corny it would get. I've had toooo many close encounters with sharks to want to know how many shark books are out there. Hmmm, maybe I should write one. Nope just got the whillies thinking about being bumped by one.
Oh. If you watched shark week on hammerheads I saw on my home town fb page they were talking about a big hammerhead that traveled the Florida coast. They were calling it Hitler something. We called it the big assed hammerhead.
I'm a little late, but LOVED your post! I'll never see Sharknado or enjoy Shark Week, so I'll live vicariously through you. A shark rom/sus... Don't believe I've read it. But I'm thinking I may write it now. Just for grins. And for you. LOL.
I loved this post, Maureen. I'm now waiting for the glut of shark-themed romantic suspense books that are going to hit the market, LOL.
Rita, I think I saw that Hammerhead in the news. Someone had footage of it off of a pier. It was only a few yards away from some people that had no idea it was there.
Thanks Dee!! :) I'm sure no one has written any smooching scenes in a shark cage. That would be interesting.
Hi Petunia. With my luck and lack of coordination, I would lose a leg during the research.
Do you get any sharks off the UK coast?
Gladys, I'd have to leave the country if we had sharks lurking off the coast. :)
Maureen, I love your "spin" on Sharknado. LOL
I've always enjoyed stories like "Alice in Wonderland," where the absurd is possible. I might like Sharknado. Somehow, I think I would enjoy your highlights of it better, though. ;)
LOL, you are SO funny. Jill wrote that book about me and my hubby (ha). Naturally I didn't swim through any shark infested waters, but it is a great story :)
I like being able to say 'My husband is a shark biologist' right up until people frown and sat, 'but you live in Winnipeg'
How my fantasies are foiled :)
"Gladys, I'd have to leave the country if we had sharks lurking off the coast. :)"
Poor delusional Shirley :)
Stop it, Toni. I know they're lurking off our coast (and I did actually see one when I lived in Orkney - ick!) but you're unlikely to see one when going for a paddle. Right? Please say I'm right. I like being delusional, LOL.
If there could be a Sharknado...then it's possible sharks live in Winnipeg! :)
Hey, Maureen, I've been in a shark cage before and it definitely is not a place for smooching, but it could be a great place for suspense. A loose cage fitting, chum in the water, a great white hyped up and closing in on the cage....
LOL, fun blog.
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