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Today our visitor is Jeannette de Beauvoir.
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Everything I Know About Writing I Learned From Mary Stewart
That’s a slight exaggeration, of course; but not as much as you’d think. I grew up in France, the daughter of an American mother and a French father, and my mother’s TBR pile was always toppling over with the English-language books she shared with me—and in fact insisted I read. Romantic suspense appealed to me from about age nine on, and we had (thanks to trips to
I may have been unconsciously following
her style when, in my early teens, I myself began writing; but it was as an
adult that I truly came to see Stewart’s whole opus—20 adult novels over 40
years—as the best writing classes imaginable.
Her opening lines draw readers immediately into the story and the
personality of the protagonist (talk about “you had me at hello”!). Check them
Lacy is the silliest women I know, which is saying a great deal.” (Airs Above the Ground).
whole affair began so very quietly.” (Madam,
Will You Talk?)
“I am an old man now, but then I was already
past my prime when Arthur was crowned king.” (The Crystal
Cave )
lover came to me on the last night in April, with a message and a warning that
sent me home to him.” (Touch Not The Cat)
met him in the street called Straight.” (The
Gabriel Hounds)
the first place, I suppose, it was my parents' fault for giving me a silly name
like Gianetta.” (Wildfire at Midnight)
Her descriptions of places have you
smelling the flowers she lovingly names and feeling hot sun on your face; whether
you’re in southern France or
Greece or Lebanon or Austria
or England ,
you have an instantaneous and extraordinarily vivid sense of the locale. “Her
eye for detail could be used to maximum effect—the texture of a cloak or the
color of a sky—with nature to the fore of the action,” reads one of her
And she can scare you with the best of
them. Other authors, darker than Stewart—I’m thinking Thomas H. Cook, Phil
Rickman, masters of suspense—may be able to build atmosphere; she weaves it
around you until you suddenly realize your heart rate is increasing and your
palms are sweating.
The relationships she enables are no
less complex. I use the word “enables” intentionally: these don’t feel like
artificial creations, but like real organic feelings that come from the characters
rather than the author—she’s just letting them flow through her. Her
protagonists are smart, educated, independent, with a strongly developed sense
of humor and not without faults; and so are their romantic interests. The
development of these relationships (along with the requisite misunderstandings
and obstacles) is both natural and sophisticated.
Her novels are filled with literary
allusions, and they’re smart: she
fully expects you to keep up, but never in a heavy-handed way. I’ve always felt
with authors like Umberto Eco that if you don’t speak Latin you miss all the
good jokes; Stewart’s allusions are unobtrusive and clever. She prefaces
chapters with appropriate quotations from classic literature, and her
protagonists have all had classical educations. “Mary Stewart sprinkled
intelligence around like stardust,” columnist Melanie Reid wrote in the Glasgow newspaper The Herald in 2004. “The fineness of her
mind shone through.”
So what did I learn about writing from
reading Mary Stewart? To put readers in the story’s context as early as
possible, preferably in the opening line. To nearly always write in the first
person—yes, it’s limiting, but it’s also intense. To present a protagonist that
readers will care about. And to be (old-fashioned as it sounds) a lady about
it. Sensationalism is out, lyricism is in.
Want to learn to write? Read Mary
Stewart. Want a fantastic story? Read Mary Stewart. Want to see how the best of
the best of romantic thrillers unfolds? Read Mary Stewart.
Mary Stewart’s last book was published
in 1997; the rest of us are still just trying to keep up.
Reach Jeannette at:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Email.
Thanks so much for hosting me today! I'd love to hear whether other readers have loved Mary Stewart as much as I have.
Welcome to Not Your Usual Suspects, Jeannette. I'm embarrassed to say I haven't read Mary Stewart, though friends have pressed her books on me before. You make such a strong case, however that I will definitely check her out now! Thanks for the interesting blog and congratulations on the release of Deadly Jewels!
So glad to hear that! Give her a read, she's fantastic. And thanks for hosting me today!
Thanks for visiting, Jeannette. I remember reading The Crystal Cave (ahem...many years ago) and loving it. Thanks for the reminder! I'll have to look for her books.
Welcome, Jeannette! Loved the post. It brought back so many memories. I've read a few of Stewart's books, and probably have them on a shelf somewhere. I ought to revisit them! In particular, I remember thoroughly submersing myself in The Crystal Cave. :D
Congratulations on your book release! It sounds fabulous.
Jeannette, You've sent me racing to my Kindle for Mary Stewart's books and for yours! Looking forward to the reads. And last, but not least, welcome to NYUS!
I was nodding along with every word you wrote; no-one can praise Mary Stewart too highly, in my view. I've lost count of the number of times I've re-read her romantic suspenses. I love them for the wonderful sense of place she evokes, and the characters and their relationships. It doesn't matter that she's writing about a time which has gone now -- the books are so vivid that one can imagine being there, then. For example, Charity's enjoyment of the food in France after the rationing in England (Madam, Will You Talk?), and Damascus, Beirut and the Lebanon as they once were before all the troubles (The Gabriel Hounds).
So glad to hear she still has so many fans! And you're right, often what she writes about doesn't exist anymore... which lends it something of a bittersweet quality. I do wish her books were available in electronic format, so I could have them with me when I travel.
And thank you all for the warm welcome! Id be delighted if you'd read Deadly Jewels... and let me know what you think of it!
This essay is mouthwatering. I believe I will go check out Stewart's novels. Thank you, Jeannette, and congratulations on Deadly Jewels! I'm sure to check it out, as well.
Welcome to Not Your Usual Suspects. Wonderful post. Thank you. There are so many wonderful books I have yet to read. Sigh.
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