What's the secret of success? Talent? Luck? Friends in High Places? Persistence? Or should we all give up, accept it's random, and go back to the slot machines of life?! :)
Now this isn't a post about how we should all have faith in ourselves, write what we care passionately about, and one day we'll be Rich and Famous! I think we all know that won't happen, don't we? I mean, not for EVERYONE - or where would be the drive to improve?! Instead, we accept that we're doing a job we love, the desire to write nags at us regardless of wherever else we may work, and that almost all of us have one or two treasured nuggets of feedback, where a reader really enjoyed our work, that help to make it all worthwhile, over and above the royalty cheques. And, of course, some authors WILL make it big! And all power to them, I really mean it.
But... if I'm not going to be Rich and Famous, what's the best I can - and should - aim for?
Is it all about compromise?
If Josh Lanyon doesn't mind, I'd like to link to a very good post he did recently on Artistic Compromise. It's aimed at the Male/Male fiction writing world, where our reader pool is still smaller than that available to the writers of more traditional Romance and Suspense, but many of the points ring true to all. And it supports the route I'm taking myself, in the quest for a better income from my hard work.
Yes, I have a personal stake in this issue because I left work earlier this year, and one of my aims is to make some kind of income from my writing. I already have an author brand, but it's hardly been a big earner over the years :). I don't mind admitting that I'm going to try a year of much higher output, a more concentrated effort on marketing, and a range of books that seem to fit the better-selling profile in my genre.
I mean, I don't need to be Stephanie Meyer or Lee Child. I can live on much less, and to be honest, I'd HATE to be on TV *g*. But at the moment, I'm managing my expectations. I'm thinking about what the publishing world is really like, how readers access and "consume" me, what I can offer them that's mine alone, what I can produce to make both them and me happy. It's thought-provoking!

Have you made any compromises in your writing career? Are you happy with your balance of work / reward? Do you write in different genres and see different levels of success? Do I sound to you like I'm considering selling out for filthy lucre?! :) I'm interested to hear anything you have to say!
Clare London
Hey Clare,
What a thoughtful post. Anyone who thinks about doing what they love, and getting paid for it, faces these questions. And sometimes there are trade-offs you don't see coming.
But committing yourself to trying a new plan of action, can be very invigorating for your work. For sure, you will learn lots.
I can't wait to hear how it goes...maybe your next post?
I feel like the only compromise I've made lately is what sub genre I write. Part of me would love to switch to straight forward contemporary romance, but I've been building my name in the RS world. The more practical side of me knows I should stay there a bit longer. ;)
Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I'll keep you all posted how my new plan of action goes. It *is* invigorating to re-invent yourself now and then. Though scary, too!
Anne Marie, it sounds like you've considered this carefully. And your RS work is very well known. Let us all know as and when you make a switch! :)
Clare, it sounds like you've embarked on an adventure! I wish you much happiness in your exploration.
There must be something in the water as I think many of us are considering this also. I’m not as talented as many of you are. I can only write what’s in my head. Sigh. Not many people are interested.
I do non-fiction in addition to stories and work on other books. I enjoy the non-fiction as much and I believe you do have to like what you do. That's why we all began writing in the first place.I do believe in reinvention and look forward to what you all do next.
I've reinvented myself a couple of times, but the glitter seems to have faded again :-( I think I am going to try a non-fiction path next. I'll let you know how it pans out. Best of luck to you!
Clare, No, I don't think in wanting to earn a living from your talent you're selling out. Let's face it, writing novels is not a religious vocation. Go for it, girl!
Your post was interesting and I see the range of response comments--and I still have no idea how to react. :)
I have friends who are uber successful and others who work really hard at promo, write good stories and are lost in the masses. No clue how it all works.
Like the rest of you, all I can do is write the stories in my head and heart--and hope they resonate with readers.
Thanks for the shared feedback, all *hugs*.
Elise, interesting to hear how you mix fiction with non-fiction. I'm following a writing-for-a-career blog at the moment and it's a suggestion that often comes up.
Kat, thanks so much for the input! and welcome to the "working from home" club :). I agree wholeheartedly with your comment that our books should inspire emotions. Else why would a reader ever pick up another one of ours?!
I think Cathy sums it - no idea how it all works :). All we can do is battle on and keep an open mind.
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