(This post is for Rita Henuber, who wanted me to post a "happy shopping" message today for her, as she is woefully without internet, and possibly out shopping. I offered to “stuff” something into this post about
shopping, but couldn't resist adding some snark…)
Whew, it's over. You survived Thanksgiving. So, now what?
Are you planning to brave the stores for Black Friday and
maybe burn a few calories? I've collected some survival
tips to keep us alive in the dark (shopping) days to come....
- Don’t
stick out your neck (or arm) too far. You might lose something. Those fellow
shoppers can be vicious. They know how to use fowl play to their advantage.
- Pace
yourself. You don’t want to fry yourself just as you get going. Especially
after eating all of that…stuffing. Waddle more, hurry less.
- Stay
hydrated. Baste yourself with some liquids now and then to keep from drying
out. I, personally, like a Starbucks run in the middle of my shopping to fluff my feathers.
- Shake
your tail feathers. Walking laps in the stores or along the downtown shops will help you burn calories. (Hooray!)
- Play
nice, even if a fellow shopper is treating you like a turkey. (Mama always said this was the way to live.)
- Be
thankful. For the little things. Like surviving.
- Make
sure you have some leftover…money, that is. Don’t spend it all. (Besides, Valentine's Day is just around the corner.)
- Use the occasional alcohol
wipe or wash your hands. They can kill a lot of salmonella germs, but all those other germs from other
shoppers too. 'Tis flu season.
- Don’t
forget the gravy. Everything’s better with gravy. In this case, I’m referring
to that little something extra. Do something special for yourself while you’re
out shopping for others. You deserve it.
- Do
you really need a #10? Get moving before the farmer sees us hanging around flapping our beaks.
Of course, this post was done tongue in beak, and kind of on the "fly," so take each tip with a grain of salt...and maybe some pepper. Definitely some gravy.
Rita and I wish all of you out there a safe and stress-free weekend, and hope you're able to enjoy it with your families.
Instead of risking the stores, stay home and kick your heels up and eat
leftovers. And buy the latest books from your favorite authors online.
And if you happen to be shopping for a writer this year (*hint, hint*), you
may want to check out this list of great gifts for writers from the "Glass Half-Full in Hollywood" blog.
Happy (and safe) shopping!
What gifts are you hunting this season? And what are you hoping to
receive? How do you shop - are you a Black Friday adventurist, or a survivalist who holes up and waits for Cyber Monday? Or are you another type altogether, possibly done with your holiday shopping by July?